Sendinggestig, 40 Long Street, Oldest Indigenous Mission Church

By Lesley on 9 July 2020

Sendinggestig, 40 Long Street, Oldest Indigenous Mission Church


One of my favourite buildings in Cape Town is Sendiggestig, 40 Long street and the oldest Mission Church in Cape Town. On our city tours to International visitors, time slips away and we never get a chance to include a stop here.

This will change when we look forward to welcoming South African visitors from other provinces as it is such an important part of our history.

This building was inaugurated March 1804 by Rev JP Serumer (who was from Groote Kerk), and initially was not considered a church as such. This is why the building today is referred as gestig (which means meeting house), as Sendinggestig offered prayer meetings and bible studies rather than worship.

More stories about this magnificent building to follow

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