Robben Island - Cell #18 Tokyo Sexale

By Lesley on 6 January 2018

Robben Island - Cell #18 Tokyo Sexale

Cell #18, Tokyo Sexale

I was fortunate to visit Robben Island again a couple of days ago, and as always, visitors crowd eagerly around cell #7, Mr Nelson Mandela to take a photo.  I usually take the opportunity to learn about a new cell each time, and today I found myself in front of Cell # 18, Mr Tokyo Sexale.  Tokyo Sexale was convicted in 1978 and served 12 years of his 18 year sentence, being released in 1990.

On many of our private wine tours, we always take a pause outside the entrance to the Klein Drakenstein prison, Franschhoek.

Site of the release of Nelson Mandela, February 11, 1990

The majority of visitors think that Mr Mandela was released from Robben Island, but he served the final two years of his sentence at the Klein Drakenstein prison (under house arrest) and it was from here that he was released on February 11, 1990.

It is thanks to Mr Sexale for commissioning this statue from sculptor, Jean Doyle, who structured this remarkable bronze statue based on a photograph of Mr Mandela leaving the prison, giving visitors the idea about what he looked like on that day.

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